Apostle Dr. Steven Jones is Pastor/Founder of Testimony Christian Center Church in Farmington Hills, Michigan, and has been viewed by many who has heard him minister as one dedicated and committed to the teaching of the Holy scriptures to help people live a godly life.
Apostle Jones has a Bachelor degree in Business Administration from Northwood University, a M.B.A. from Walsh College, and a Ph.D from the School of Public Service Leadership at Capella University. He also has completed many years of Christian education in Understanding God and His Covenants, Hearing the Master’s Voice, Leadership, Church History, Pastoral Ministry, and Ministerial Counseling.
Apostle Jones gave his life to Christ in November 1991, received the Baptism of the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues in September 1992, and accepted his call to ministry soon after at Straight Gate International Church in Detroit, Michigan. He served in various auxiliaries across the church including ordained deacon, ushering, greeting, teaching in children’s ministry, teaching at new member’s classes, preaching in street evangelism, and evangelistic outreaches at Christian concert events, nursing homes, mental hospitals, boys homes, door to door in multiple locations and even holding weekly Bible Studies/Prayer meetings during lunch times at his work place.
After moving north of the Detroit metro area, he attended Light of the World Christian Center in West Bloomfield, Michigan. Under the leadership of retired Senior Pastor Bruce D. Burwell, Apostle Jones was licensed as a minister, and later promoted to Assistant Executive Minister. After 6 years of faithful service in ministry, retirement of Senior Pastor Bruce Burwell, along with his wife Pastor Monoseta Burwell and the closing of Light of the World Christian Center, Apostle Jones was elevated to Pastor. His wife, Stacey Jones, accompanied him in ministry, as First Lady. Apostle Jones soon after founded the church Testimony Christian Center Church. Senior Pastor Burwell mentored Pastor Jones the first year of the church, transferring 501C3 status from Light of the World Christian Center to Testimony Christian Center Church (TC3). From mentorship from Pastors Burwell, and other Pastors and Apostles, and prayer, being founder of Testimony Christian Center Church, Apostle Jones was elevated to Apostle.
Apostle Jones was born in Detroit Michigan. He is married to Stacey (Brown) Jones, and we have a host of children and grandchildren.
Apostle Jones is dedicated to serving in ministry with Sunday services, and weekly bible studies, mentoring others in ministry, serving his congregation, and in community outreach events to help those in need.
Monday through Friday 9am - 3pm